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When a patient is admitted to a hospital, they are often in a vulnerable state. Nurses and healthcare professionals closely monitor individuals to help them improve and recover. While ensuring excellent care is the goal of hospitals and healthcare, what can hospitals do to improve the experience? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of patient experience and what your healthcare center can do to improve.

Improve communication throughout the hospital

Communicating clearly with staff throughout a hospital can be challenging, but a hospital with an excellent healthcare AV system can drastically improve their experience. Hospital AV systems often include various aspects that help deliver sound, multimedia content, and images to enhance communication throughout the hospital.

While many variables are out of control in a hospital setting, using a hospital AV system gives you access to controllable, quick, and efficient communication that will improve your patient’s outcomes. Because one of the most essential elements of patient care is the quality of infrastructure, investing in nurse call systems is critical to patient care.

Help patient safety with better nurse call systems

Improving nurse call systems can help the in-patient experience in many ways, including:

  • Location tracking — Advanced nurse call systems can help identify a patient’s location when an emergency call is activated, allowing the nurse to quickly reach the patient when they call for the nurse. It can also prevent patients with cognitive impairment from entering dangerous places.
  • Rapid response — Patients need a fast response time when in duress. These rapid response systems enable patients to quickly contact healthcare professionals during an emergency or any request, including pain relief requests. The faster a nurse can help a patient, the more the communication is streamlined, reducing overall response times.
  • Emotional support — An effective call system improves overall support, including emotional support. Patients can communicate concerns, express their needs, and receive emotional support. In addition to medical care, emotional support care improves the overall in-patient experience.

Make it easier for nurses to respond

Not only does implementing AV technology make it easier for patients to communicate with nurses, it makes it easier for nurses to respond to patients’ needs. There are many situations where nurses and doctors require hands-free, two-way communication with patients, mainly when they cannot be in the same room.

Paging and intercom systems allow nurses and hospital staff to speak quickly and easily with patients. Patient monitoring and centralized information access give nurses access to patient information, medical records, and care plans. In addition, they can help improve conflict resolution between patients, receptionists, and other healthcare administrators. Medical professionals across the entire hospital can consult with each other, collaborate in real time, and even get second opinions.

How to start improving your patients’ experience

Improving the in-patient experience helps your patients get better care and saves your hospital time and money. For over 35 years, Marshall Industries has been the industry leader in nurse call and hospital systems. We specialize in nurse call systems for hospitals, assisted living facilities, and other healthcare facilities.

When you hire us to customize your hospital AV system, we’ll create one for your facility that includes nurse call lights, displays, monitors, digital signs, control systems, and much more. When you want the best for your patients, trust the best company to create healthcare AV systems. Contact Marshall Industries today to get started on your customized system.