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In today’s educational landscape, the safety and well-being of students and staff are paramount. Marshall Industries is proud to offer a comprehensive critical communication system designed to meet the highest standards of school safety and emergency management. Our solutions not only comply with Utah House Bill 84 (H.B. 84) but also set the benchmark for innovative, efficient, and reliable school communication systems. Let’s explore our key offerings and their benefits. 

Mass Notification through TCU Intercom 

What it is:
The TCU Intercom system is an advanced intercom system designed for efficient mass communication within the school premises. 

In the event of an emergency, rapid dissemination of crucial information is vital. The TCU Intercom ensures that all students, staff, and emergency responders receive timely updates, keeping everyone informed and safe. By centralizing communication, it reduces confusion and enhances the overall safety protocol execution. 

Classroom Instructional Audio with Lightspeed Cascadia System 

What it is:
The Lightspeed Cascadia System is an innovative audio system that amplifies the teacher’s voice, ensuring clear communication in the classroom. 

This system significantly improves the learning environment by ensuring that every student can hear the instructor clearly, regardless of their position in the classroom. Additionally, it features a silent panic button, providing an added layer of security. Teachers love its dual functionality as it enhances their teaching while increasing compliance with safety protocols. 

CrisisGo’s Mobile Emergency Management Solution 

What it is:
CrisisGo’s Mobile Emergency Management Solution is a comprehensive mobile platform for managing emergencies. It includes real-time communication, incident reporting, and crisis management tools. 

During emergencies, quick and effective response is critical. CrisisGo facilitates efficient crisis management by providing real-time communication tools, ensuring that incidents are reported promptly, and resources are allocated effectively. It also includes reunification features, ensuring that students and parents are safely and systematically reunited during emergencies. 

Key Features and Benefits 

  • Compliance with H.B. 84:
    Our solutions are meticulously designed to meet and exceed the safety requirements set forth by House Bill 84. Schools can confidently rely on our systems to fulfill legislative mandates and ensure a safer educational environment. 
  • Enhanced Safety:
    From mass notifications to silent panic buttons, our systems are engineered to prepare schools for handling emergencies efficiently. These features collectively enhance the safety and security of the school environment. 
  • Improved Communication:
    Our TCU Intercom and Lightspeed Cascadia systems not only enhance everyday communication but also significantly improve emergency responsiveness. Clear, reliable communication is crucial during critical situations, and our systems deliver just that. 
  • Comprehensive Management:
    CrisisGo’s solution provides a robust platform for managing all aspects of school safety and emergency response. This includes everything from initial incident reporting to the reunification of students and parents, ensuring a thorough and coordinated approach to crisis management. 
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs:
    With the TCU Intercom system, a single server can manage your entire district’s communication needs. This not only saves your IT team hours of maintenance time but also significantly reduces licensing costs. Our competitors often require multiple servers and licenses, leading to costs that can add up to thousands of dollars per server. 


Marshall Industries’ comprehensive critical communication system is designed to enhance the safety, efficiency, and reliability of school emergency management. By integrating advanced technologies like the TCU Intercom, Lightspeed Cascadia System, and CrisisGo’s Mobile Emergency Management Solution, we ensure that schools are well-equipped to handle any emergency. Our commitment to compliance with H.B. 84 and focus on reducing maintenance costs further reinforce our dedication to providing the best possible solutions for school safety. 

Take Action Today!

Contact Marshall Industries to learn how our comprehensive critical communication system can transform your school’s emergency management and safety protocols. Let’s work together to create a safer, more secure educational environment for everyone.